Thursday, October 27, 2011


i know it has been a while, but i have been busy. i'm not quite sure with what i have been busy, but nevertheless... my mind has also been wandering a thousand different ways lately and i am unsure as to what i should blog about today. i could talk about my ihop experience friday, my obsession with cats, how i'm currently living in two different households, or a bunch of other randomness that i am experiencing at the moment.

but, for now i'm going to rant for just a moment. i have been a huge supporter of susan g. komen for a super long time. i would donate all of my money to them, buy up everything pink, and walk in all the races. that is, until my best friend informed me that this particular organization donates a portion of their money to planned parenthood. thank the Lord for best friends that share the same passions and values that i do. i was so disappointed. i have seen how breast cancer affects families, so of course i think it is of the utmost importance to find a cure. i also, value life more than anything in this world, and when i hear "Planned Parenthood" mentioned i cringe. so, for me personally, i could not bear the thought that the money that i had given to susan g. komen could have potentially aided in taking the life of an unborn baby. 

look at this link and see for yourself  --

i did not write this blog to debate. i wrote it simply to let others know. i would have continued to support susan g. komen for the cure if it had not been for my friend. i guess this was really a learning experience for myself--that i should always research before i start giving financial support. i love babies. i would love to see a cure for breast cancer. i would love to see all the money raised for research to find a cure for breast cancer go to just that-RESEARCH...not to some organization that may or may not use that money to pay the power bill or to fund abortions.

i am done with my rant for today.

 "for You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. i praise You because i am fearfully and wonderfully made."--Psalm 139:13-14

Monday, October 17, 2011

a long road

Our faces in this picture depicts our feelings to a "T". I waited threeeeeeeee years for this moment. I felt like it would never come and at times I got discouraged, but looking back I wouldn't have traded those three years of waiting for anything. It wasn't easy. There were circumstances that surrounded us that made it difficult for us to think about getting married, let alone plan a wedding. Mark struggled and I cried (of course). I would hate hate hate to hear people ask that forbidden "when's the date" question. Those were uncertain times, but I am so thankful that we endured it together. It brought us closer and showed us that when Christ is at the foundation of our relationship that we can conquer anything. It was a blessing in disguise. I am thankful for those three years. I am thankful for where it took us and for where we are today. Mark is truly my best friend and I love him so incredibly much.  I know you can just imagine my excitement when I finally got to answer that forbidden question with an actual date!!! I joked that our wedding was the wedding of the century and to my close friends and family it was just that! I felt that sigh of relief from everyone there as I walked down that aisle with Mark as my husband. I hope, pray, and proclaim that 80 years down the road we are as happy then as we are in this picture!

godly men

We had a deacon ordination service at church last night and it brought back some sweet memories from my dad's deacon ordination service and Mark's ordination service. I'm not sure why the Lord blessed me with two of the most humble men to have in my life, but I am so thankful He chose to do so. My dad was a great spiritual leader in our home. Sure he made mistakes, but he was always open and honest and allowed me to see that no one was perfect. He taught me about a holy God who loved me and gave His life up for me. He took me to church and prayed with me and over me. He loved my mom. He was kind to strangers. He was compassionate. He was passionate about sharing his heart with people and telling them about how Christ had changed his life. He was all of those things and he still is! I'm so thankful I had that example set before me. And now, as I start my own family I am blessed to have another great spiritual leader. Mark is an awesome man! I find myself everyday questioning why in the world he ever chose me. He is a man after God's own heart and I strive to be just like that. He leads me, prays with me, and he loves me. I love everything about him. I am beyond blessed with two humble men in my life and I pray that I never ever ever take them for granted!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

a servant's heart

"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others."         ---Philippians 2:3-4

If there was ever a person that exemplified the qualities of a servant, it would be my mother. And if there was ever a picture that could portray her as such, it would be this picture. You see, those three children in the picture lost their mother a little over a month before that picture was taken. Their mother fought a year long battle with cancer and at times she was unable to take care of them. My mom, without hesitation took those children in and loved them like they were her own. She was working a full time job plus an additional part-time job, serving in her church, and taking care of her family. Her plate was "full" so to speak. Those things never stopped her from helping a family in need. Some might say she just has a hard time saying no (which is sometimes true), but she lives that verse in Philippians. She is a true servant. In my 24 years of life I have never seen anything other than that from her. She has such a heart for people and she truly puts the needs of others ahead of her own. I am beyond blessed to have her as my mom and I pray that I will have the heart of a servant.


i am recently a new wife and now a new blogger. in hopes to keep up with my hubby, i have conformed and created my own little blog. i hope this blog will provide a brief glimpse into the crazy, exciting, hectic, rewarding, stressful, and amazing life that comes along with being married to someone in the ministry. i'm excited to begin this journey...hope you all are too:)