my inspiration was Miranda Lambert's lovely brooch bouquet. i bought that people magazine with her wedding on the front cover, and i fell in love with her wedding. everything about it was what i envisioned for my own. very laid back with vintage touches. but i mostly fell in love with her bouquet. Isn't it just beautiful?!? creative juices began flowing. i began asking everyone i could think of if they had any brooches that i could use. I bought a few at a yard sale and hobby lobby, but most of them came from my aunt jan, my mamaws, my friends, and my great-grandmother (whom i never had the privilege of meeting) i had about 80 some brooches to work with. shew!
I am going to attempt to give a how-to description, even though this is out of my blogging comfort zone.
First things first...grab your mother and your best friends and your best friends' mothers, order a pizza and a mtn. dew and get ready to chill for a few hours!
Okay, here's what ya need to make a brooch bouquet:
1. 3 hydrangea stems
2. wire sticks
3. floral tape
1. Take the 3 stems of hydrangeas and cut them to your preferred length.
2. Put the hydrangea stems together and wrap floral tape around the stems
3. With each brooch, take one wire stick and wrap around the place where the pin is. (Some brooches are easier than others when it comes to wrapping the wire won't look perfect, just as long as it stays!)
4. Once your brooch looks like a flower stem, take the floral tape and wrap around the wire stem.
This is how your brooches should look:
5. Okay, now for the hard part--you will begin to take each individual stem and will stick it down in your hydrangeas. While you are sticking them in the hydrangeas, you are also going to be wrapping floral tape around the brooch stems, as well as around the hydrangea stems. This is the very last thing, but it is the most difficult. Once you place all your brooches where you want them and ALLL of the wrapping is done, the result is AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL! I added ribbon around the base of the bouquet and i tied on some material that was cut off from my wedding dress.
ahh...the finished product!
P.S. if you carry one of these down the aisle, you might wanna lift some weights beforehand! just a warning!!
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